For my blog post, I decided to talk about my experience with the increasingly popular communication tool known as Pecha Kucha. By definition, it refers to a presentation consisting of 20 slides with 20 seconds for the speaker to talk about each slide. In total, a Pecha Kucha presentation runs 6 minutes and 40 seconds long.
The slides on the presentation revolve around images, leaving out the wordy aspect that comes with the common long, boring and rambling presentations. Thus, Pecha Kucha puts the power in the speaker's voice rather than dependence on the physical presentation itself. The wordiness of a presentation requires a lot of reading for the audience, drawing their attention away from the presenter and directing it towards the screen. In a sense, what the speaker is trying to convey gets "lost in translation." In this case, what the speaker says may not be communicated as effectively as if the audience hadn't been distracted by numerous, and sometimes confusing, terms.

Pecha Kucha Banner [Digital Image]. (2012). Retrieved February 26, 2012, from:
When we were given the assignment in our ALES204 lab, I was intrigued yet terrified at the same time. The amount of pressure this would entail for me as the speaker was unsettling since the power is in my hands as I am the focus of the presentation. As the speaker, I'm the reflection of my work on the presentation, and I essentially leave the lasting impression on those who take the time to listen to me, so, in a way, I had a responsibiilty not to disappoint. Seeing as I am an unconfident speaker as it is when it comes to public speaking, the thought of having the audience intently focused on every word I'm saying, was really unnerving for me. Taking into account the fact that we only had about 45 minutes to prepare an impromptu presentation about our topic, there was not much time to rehearse and revise. I became uncomfortably anxious when it was our group's turn to stand at the front of the classroom. I did not have much time to organize my thoughts, so I did not to know how I wanted to present my thoughts clearly. For a short presentation style like Pecha Kucha, every word counts and should be significant! Being concise and straight to the point is key to any presentation even though wordiness (for lack of a better term) may make the speaker feel more confident in that he or she is presenting the audience with as much knowledge he or she has to offer.

I had all of the above in mind as I was walking towards the front of the room, but unfortunately, I completely froze as I started speaking. I stumbled over words and struggled to try and pick myself back up. I felt like I let my group members down at the end of our 6 and some minutes. Although my group was really understanding, I still had feelings of defeat and embarrassment in the back of my mind. My first experience with Pecha Kucha did not go nearly as well as I had hoped, but I did come to find how important this tool is along the way.
Child with Stage Fright [Digital Image]. (2011). Retrieved February 26, 2012, from:
I realize that this is not an easy thing to master immediately. With constant practice, I can be able to utilize Pecha Kucha to my advantage and give me the edge and excitement needed to draw people in. It is a presentation style that is always appreciated (or refreshing, one might say), no matter the topic or the audience. I believe that one reason for my less than successful attempt at Pecha Kucha was that I was taking myself too seriously. I wanted it to be perfect, and I was so caught up in trying to be the perfect "voice" of the presentation that I forgot to relax and have fun with it! Pecha Kucha is indeed a more modern way of conveying information about certain topics and issues, and in this way, it allows for a complete different direction away from the old, "overdone" presentations where words are simply plastered on Powerpoint slides in a monotonous fashion. The traditional way shows no uniqueness and no reflection of one's self. Pecha Kucha allows for freedom to change it up and make the presentation into what you want it to be, something totally custom-made to fit you.
Maybe one day I will be able to be as comfortable and confident as those who will participate in Pecha Kucha night in Edmonton on March 4th! More information about the speakers can be found clicking on the embedded link.
I really admire those who can put aside their feelings of nerves to talk about something they believe is important for the general public to be aware of. I appreciate the fact that they "pump up" their confidence in order to spread important ideas and perspectives to the world, which may otherwise be overlooked or ignored. In my future career, I want to be able to use my voice and channel it towards increasing other people's knowledge, using presentations like Pecha Kucha, but I have much to learn before I can get that far.
My friend, Steph, wrote in her blog about her perspective of another increasingly popular communication tool which guessed it! Twitter! Steph highlights points about effectively using writing space, as Twitter only allows for a 140 character limit. Although Twitter is different that Pecha Kucha, she mentions how Twitter is an exemplary way to express opinions and talk about important issues which I believe is similar to that of Pecha Kucha! Both somewhat stray away from the same "old" and overdone (as I mentioned earlier) template of how to express an idea. Pecha Kucha and Twitter can both be used professionally, but it can also be "dressed down," which makes both of these tools useful means of communication for people everywhere!
Hey Danielle! Very informative post on Pecha Kuchas. You provided a great reminder on relaxing and having fun while presenting. We're often caught up in trying to please the audience with a perfect presentation, and that only contributes to more anxiety and stumbling.
ReplyDeleteI also admire your perseverance after your first attempt at pecha kucha. Many people give up after their first unideal attempt! But you acknowledged points that needed improvement, discussed numerous advantages of Pecha Kuchas, and resolved to try it again with your new knowledge of presentations. Your humility inspires me. :)
I really enjoyed reading this post! Since I was in your group for the Pecha Kucha presentation I can understand how stressful it was to present. We weren't rehearsed and had a "wing it" attitude going in. I think for the amount of time we had to prepare we did a great job and I think you should give yourself more credit!
ReplyDeleteI think you make a great point saying how Pecha Kucha is a modern way of communicating your ideas. Gone are the days of long, boring presentations. This upbeat and bold style is definitely the way to go if you want to get your point across with meaning. I also agree that because of this, the speaker must try to be as confident and passionate as possible. The main focus is on the speakers voice so that has to stand out the most and make the biggest impression.
I loved reading your blog and I can't wait to read more!
I couldn't help but smile while reading this because I felt the same! Initially, there is some confidence that you can excel and will do amazing. It is only when you start thinking of the time constraint that the nerves kick in and you realize you have so much to say in such little time! I know my problem is that I ramble and can't stop myself. What do you think is he best way to organize your thoughts, so you can say everything you need to and not sound too wordy? That's definitely where I could use help.
ReplyDeleteI love how you describe Pecha Kucha as a modern way to communicate ideas. God knows we've all nodded off during class if it's a long, boring powerpoint. The pictures catch your attention and because there is minimal words, you are more inclined to listen to the speaker rather than reading the slides. The biggest thing is to make sure the spoken words and pictures match!
Well, nothing is ever easy the first time but next time, I am sure you will do amazing! Practice makes perfect and organization is key!!
Jasveer Brar, ALES 204
I don't think anyone's pecha kucha went well for the labs haha. But it is definitely an interesting and new way to present to people. I think as long as you know how to pick which topics are most important to say these kinds of presentations would a breeze! It is definitely something I will be using in the future if I had to do any short presentations.